TCIC presents at the 2010 World Stem Cell Summit
The 2010 World Stem Cell Summit was held in Detroit at the Marriott Center from October 2-5. This year the TCIC joined this premier meeting with the presentation of a poster entitled “Characterization of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived 3D Artificial Tissue Structures Produced with Natural ECM Scaffolding Materials”. Director, Tim Lyden was joined in Detroit by TCIC student researcher, Tim Morris who helped present the poster in three days of presentation sessions. This poster reported on studies undertaken over the past 3 years and also involved student researcher Travis Cordie, who is now employed at WiCell, the NIH National Stem Cell Bank in Madison WI. These studies have explored the application of 3D culture technologies developed at the TCIC for the culture and development of human embryonic stem cells in vitro. The resulting 3D artificial tissues were examined and characterized by normal phase, oblique dark field, SEM and immunofluorescence microscopy. The reported complex tissues generated a good deal of interest among the participants of the meeting and resulted in numerous new contacts for future projects. The meeting also provided the TCIC with critical new insights into the state of the art in stem cell sciences and gave us a good preview of future directions in the field. These new perspectives served to confirm that our work is on track to contribute to understanding the biology of these important cells in the 3D artificial tissue context. In discussions with several other labs and companies at the meeting, new collaborative efforts to explore 3D culture of other cell types has been planned for the future. The World Stem Cell Summit is a premier gathering of Stem Cell biologists held annually since 2007 with around 1500 participants each year. Next year’s event will be held in Pasadena California.