TCIC joins “Life Sciences Alley” trade association.

The TCIC recently joined the regional trade association, Life Sciences Alley. Based in Minnesota, this group works with industrial, clinical and academic partners across the region to enhance collaborations and interactions on a number of fronts that relate to life science issues. Following the TCIC’s first contact with the group, Life Sciences Alley has already facilitated initial contacts for the TCIC with two industrial organizations in the region. TCIC Director Tim Lyden expects that this connection will help develop significant new collaborations in the Twin Cites and beyond.

From the Life Sciences Alley website:

About LifeScience Alley
LifeScience Alley is a 501(c)6 non-profit trade association serving the life sciences in Minnesota and the surrounding region. Our mission: Enabling business success in the life sciences. We accomplish this goal through leadership, collaboration, innovation, advocacy, and education.

From human health to animals, food to the environment, and pharmaceuticals to medical devices, our diverse membership helps to improve and sustain wellbeing, in the state of Minnesota and around the world. But ideas don't have borders. That's why LifeScience Alley is currently expanding its influence into Canada, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and the Dakotas, in an effort to strengthen cross-border collaboration in the life sciences.

Our region is rich in talent, resources, and infrastructure. LifeScience Alley works successfully to forge connections among top industry experts so that remarkable new discoveries and advances can be made.”